Before you do any SEO you need to research the part of the web you will be trying to change. Many people believe this is the most important step in the SEO process. No skipping!
Complete the The Beginner's Checklist for Learning SEO - Completing all the tasks on this list will give you all the skills necessary to complete this checklist.
Write down your goal - Why are you doing this? Why do you want people to find your client's site? Is simply viewing your client's site not enough? My goal was “I want local parents to find my client's website and be persuaded to register their children.”
Brainstorm and write down search queries - What words might people type into the search engines to look for your client's company? For my example, I came up with “Issaquah Preschool,” “Issaquah Daycare,” “Sammamish Preschool,” (a neighboring suburb) “Preschool Summer Camp,” and “Creative Preschool.” Your list should be longer.
Research your chosen keywords - Sign up for Google Adwords and learn how to use the provided “keyword tool” and “ad text ideas” generator. Learn how to use Wordtracker (paid) and/or the Keyword Difficulty tool (free).
Using what you learned from keyword research, record what you believe to be the best keywords - For my project, I used “Issaquah Preschool,” “Issaquah Early Childhood,” “Preschool Summer Camp,” and about five others.
Analyze the current Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs) for your keywords - Who is ranking? What are they doing effectively and ineffectively? Investigate and get to know your competition.
Create a list of your competition - Use the information from the previous step to create a list of competitors. You will use this to figure out how other sites were able to get into your targeted SERPs.
Use Yahoo Site Explorer to find the sources of your competitor's links - Record the sources of links your competitors have and save them for later.
Before you do any SEO you need to research the part of the web you will be trying to change. Many people believe this is the most important step in the SEO process. No skipping!


- Primary objective should be accomplishable from the homepage
- Keyword in title tag (unique for each page, include keywords)
- Keyword in H1 on each page
- Keyword in text
- Optimize URL architecture ( instead of Use 301 redirects if you rename pages
- Information architecture - as few clicks as possible
- On relevant images include keywords in alt tags and in filenames
- Nofollow appropriate links

1111 11th Pl NE
City, State Zip
(555) 555-5555


- Yahoo Local
- Google Local
- Bing Local
- Ask City
- CitySearch (data on this site feeds and Bing)
- Yelp (data on this site feeds Bing and Yahoo)

Track and Improve

- Ask Local SERP
- Ask Main SERP
- Google Local SERP
- Google Main SERP
- Google Webmaster Tools
- Bing Maps SERP
- Bing Local SERP
- Bing Search Webmaster Central
- Yahoo Local SERP
- Yahoo Main SERP
- Yahoo Site Explorer

Continue to make changes, build links, and record your results - This step will never be completed. You should strive to become number one on all your SERPs and get so far ahead that none of your competitors will be able to compete.
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